Funded Research

Some Recent Projects


PrestoCloud European Commission Horizon 2020 ICT-06-2016 - Cloud Computing; Coordinator: Software AG Other partners: ICCS, IJS, CNRS I3S, NissaTech, ActiveEon, Ubitech, CVS Mobile, Aditess, LiveU, N. Amram technologies Description: The European Research project PrEstoCloud targets a dynamic and distributed software architecture that manages cloud and fog resources proactively, while reaching the extreme edge of the network for an efficient real-time BigData processing. The goal of PrEstoCloud is to make substantial research contributions in the Cloud computing and real-time Big Data technologies in order to provide a dynamic, distributed architecture for proactive cloud resources management reaching the extreme edge of the network for efficient real-time big data processing and to deploy and validate it in several challenging, complementary and commercially-very promising use cases. In particular, PrEstoCloud aims to combine real-time Big Data, Cloud computing and Fog computing research in a unique way in order to provide an innovative solution for, as above elaborated, very complex problem of cloud-based adaptive real-time Big Data processing. 2017-2020.


A supporting contract of Pierre Leca CIFRE funding, conjointly with team of Gaetan Hains, R&D Huawei center in Boulogne Billancourt. DBSP (Distributed BSP): Objets actifs pour les programmes BSPlib. 2017-2020

HPS Worldwide / ACPQlife

A supporting contract of Mazen Ezzedine CIFRE funding, conjointly with team of Gaël Migliorini, R&D team reworking PowerCard. SLA-aware MicroServices Architecture programming on fault-tolerant distributed systems -- Re-engineering a high frequency e-payment authorization system. 2020-2023

Some Former Projects


DC4Cities European Commission FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013(ICT) Objective ICT-2013.6.2 Coordinator: Freemind Others partners: Freemind, University of Mannheim, Hewlett-Packard, University of Passau, Create-Net, ENEA, CSUC, GasNatural Fenosa, Institut Municipal d’Informatica de Madrid (IMI) Description: The goal of DC4Cities is to let existing and new data centres become energy adaptive. Whereas the “adaptive” concept is actually meaning that Eco-friendly Data Center…


Opencloudware Program FSN, labelled by Minalogic, Systematic and SCS Coordinator: France-Telecom Research Others partners: ActiveEon, Armines, Bull, eNovance, eXo Platform, France Telecom (coordinator), Inria, IRIT – INP Toulouse, Linagora, OW2, Peergreen, Télécom Paris Tech, Télécom Saint Etienne, Thales Communications, Thales Services, Université Joseph Fourier, Université de Savoie – LISTIC, UShareSoft Description: The OpenCloudware project aims…


Associate team SCADA: Safe Composition of Autonomic Distributed Applications Coordinator: Ludovic Henrio Description: Besides a formal collaboration between NIC Labs and OASIS team, the aim of the project is to contribute to programming models and languages for programming, running and debugging parallel and distributed applications. For this we will contribute both from a theoretical…


Simulation Of Next Generation System (SONG ANR-11-INFRA-13): Coordinator: M. Quinson, Algorille Team, INRIA (Nancy – Lorraine) Others partners: INRIA Rhones Alpes, MESCAL Team, IN2P3 & GRAAL/Avalon, Villeurbanne, I3S Sophia Antipolis (UMR CNRS 7172) Scale Team, INRIA Bordeaux, Cepage Team, LSIIT Strasbourg, ICPS Team, INRIA Rennes & LINA, ASCOLA Team. Description: SONGS a project sponsored by…

i3S laboratory